Sunday, June 20, 2010

Erase the chatter

Each night of Super Summer this year we talked about creation, the fall, the rescue, and the mission. So Monday was creation and we watched the "How Great is Our God" video where God blows everybody's mind using Louie Giglio. He begins by talking about the universe and the size of the earth compared to other starts and how far a light year is and how long it takes to reach certain places. If the earth was a golf ball, you could fill the Superdome 3000 times to equal the quantity of the largest star know to man. And if the earth was a golf ball, you would have to place it at the end of the Golden Gate Bridge and walk the span of the reach the closest star.

Geez, talk about feeling insignificant. But it doesn't end there. Louie then began to talk about birth. He showed a picture of an embryo at just a few days old. It was 16 cells on the tip of a safety pin. Then he told us how when the eye meets the nerve endings in the brain that 1,000,000 connectors from the eye have to match up with 1,000,000 connectors from the brain in perfection to achieve sight. Then as he continues to speak of different things he gets to this stuff called laminin. This is what holds cells together in the human body. Without this protein we would be a bag of mush. And the structure of it is all the more impressive:it's a cross. We are held together by a substance created by the Most High God that is shaped like the cross. I dare you to tell me that that was an accident.

So what it came down to was that we're walking miracles. For all this stuff to happen is impossible without a Creator God. And all through this the Enemy kept pushing on me and my feeling of insignificance and I remember thinking "you have been a waste of a miracle since January 25, 1987." The chatter was so loud in my head and I wanted to scream because I couldn't get rid of the noise. But in that moment, and I mean as SOON as the thought entered my mind, the Lord spoke up in the most comforting, peaceful, loving, jealous, caring, counseling, providing, strong, just, wise, conquering voice and said the two most powerful words I believe to ever be spoken:


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